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Welcome back St. Gabriel School Community!

Just One More Sleep, WINGS!

Good afternoon, Wings Community, and happy September 3rd!

Tomorrow marks the return to school, and the staff at St. Gabriel School are eagerly anticipating your arrival. We hope you’re as excited as we are to reunite at our wonderful school.

Important Details for Tomorrow:

Students in grades 1 to 8 should gather with their teacher at the back of the school on the paved area between 9:00 and 9:10 am. Additional staff will be present to help you locate your classroom teacher, so please ask for assistance if needed. When the bell rings, students in grades 1-6 will proceed to the gym with their teacher, while students in grades 7-8 will go to the library. Support staff will be available in both areas to guide your child to their classroom teacher. Thank you for your support!

A Note for Junior and Senior Kindergarten Families:

  • Junior Kindergarten students and parents will have scheduled interviews with their Kindergarten teachers tomorrow.
  • Senior Kindergarten students do not have school tomorrow and will start on Thursday, September 5th.

Save the Date:

  • On Thursday, September 19th, we’ll host a Back to School Meet the Staff night. This will be a great chance for you and your family to mingle, meet your child(ren)’s teacher, and connect with other staff members involved in your child’s education. More details will follow soon.

Important Reminders:

  • Please return any necessary medication and forms for medical conditions (e.g., anaphylaxis, asthma, diabetes) to the office. We recommend providing two inhalers/epi-pens: one for the student and one for the office.
  • Update the Student Plan of Care if your child had one last year. This form will be sent home on the first day of school. Make any necessary changes, sign it, and return it to us. Even if there are no changes, please sign and return the form. Please remember that this plan is intended only for life-threatening conditions.
  • Complete the required forms on School Cash Online for each of your children. These forms cover things like Chromebook use, permission for church walks, and picture taking. Ensure all forms, including read-only ones, are added to your cart before checking out. You should receive a confirmation message once the forms are successfully submitted. Please complete these forms by September 30th. School Cash Online
  • Student verification forms will be sent home tomorrow. Review, update, and return these forms to your child’s teacher as soon as possible. Keeping your contact information up-to-date is crucial, so notify the office of any changes throughout the year.

Enjoy your last day of summer, Wings Nation. See you tomorrow!

P. Bruni and J. Ertel

Principal and Vice Principal


Year-End Update and Thank you

Dear Wings Nation! 

As we approach the last three days of the school year, we extend heartfelt thanks to everyone for making this year truly unforgettable! We congratulate our Grade 8 students on their graduation from Saint Gabriel School. They have been an outstanding group and are poised to contribute positively to our world. We also express our gratitude to all our students who demonstrate our Catholic virtues daily. Your smiles and acts of kindness enhance the warmth and compassion of our school community.

Report Cards will be sent home with all our students on Tuesday, June 25th. Please acknowledge receipt of your child(ren) report card by signing the last page and sending it back to your child(ren) teacher by Thursday, June 27th, the last day of school. This page will be stapled to the school copy of the Report Card filed in your child(ren) Ontario Student Record. 

Goodbyes and Welcome: We will bid farewell to Nancy Montes, our vice principal for the past 18 months. Ms. Montes has made numerous contributions during her tenure. While we will miss her, we know her influence will be lasting. Ms. Montes is relocating to St. Augustine as their new vice principal. Best wishes to her on this new chapter!

Heather Poje-Fascinato, one of our esteemed planning time teachers, has decided to retire after a dedicated career of supporting elementary students in our school board. Her commitment and passion have left an indelible mark on countless lives throughout the years. Heather’s presence will be deeply missed by all who have had the privilege of knowing her. As she embarks on this new chapter in her life, we extend our heartfelt best wishes for a fulfilling and joyful future.

Brian Burnley, currently a planning time teacher, will be transitioning to Canadian Martyrs. Sarah Procunier, an Early Year Teacher, will be joining St. Boniface. Tara Castillo, who teaches at the primary level, is moving to St. Josephine. Michelle Esmaili, an Intermediate teacher, will be moving to Christ the King School, and Sarah Antoine, also an Intermediate teacher, will be moving to St. John. Emelie Figueiredo, currently on maternity leave, will return as a Multi-Language teacher in our school board. Priya Rijo, an Intermediate teacher, will also be moving on to pursue her future in education. Best wishes to each of you; you will be missed dearly, but know you will be successful wherever you go.

Welcome, Jennifer Ertel (newly appointed vice principal), Marina Jacob (Planning time teacher), Tanya Morelli (Primary Teacher), and Alison Bryant (Junior teacher) to Saint Gabriel School. You will love the school community.

Parents/Guardians: We cannot thank our parents and community members enough for all of your support with your children during this time. We wanted to share with you some words of thanks and express our gratitude to many people who play a pivotal role in helping to keep our school running smoothly and your children safe. 

Catholic School Parent Advisory: Our thanks are also extended to Saint Gabriel School Council members, under the leadership of Mrs. Karen Applebee (Chair), who has worked so hard to enrich our school. Our school council’s commitment, creative ideas, and guidance are very much appreciated. 

To our Bus Drivers:  At Saint Gabriel School, many students ride our buses. We would like to THANK YOU for getting our students to us, and home safely, each and every day. Without you, our students could not get to us and our community would not be as rich as it is.

Once again, we thank students, parents and staff for all you have done to allow us to have an amazing school year at Saint Gabriel. We couldn’t have done it without you! 

In closing, we would like to wish you and your family, a safe and happy summer, filled with God’s blessings of peace, health, and happiness!  

Best Wishes,

Your St. Gabriel Admin Team


3-Pitch Cancelled Thursday


Parents and Guardians,
Unfortunately, due to the extreme heat today and what is anticipated for the remainder of the week, Junior 3-pitch that was to take place on Thursday has been cancelled.  These events will not be rescheduled for this year.

Celebrating 10 Years and Thank you!

Dear School Community,

We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all of you for making our Saint Gabriel 10th Anniversary Fun Night and Dance an incredible success. This event truly exemplified the spirit of our school community, bringing together parents, staff, volunteers, and students from both elementary and high school levels.

First and foremost, a big thank you to all the parents and staff who generously donated cakes for the cake walk, candy for candies on a stick, and contributed to the face painting activities. Your support and contributions added so much joy to the evening.

We would also like to express our appreciation to the dedicated staff, parent volunteers, and student volunteers who worked tirelessly throughout the event. Whether it was distributing pizza, assisting at the cake walk and face painting stations, managing the front doors, or distributing candy, your enthusiasm and commitment were truly commendable.

The display boards in the Learning Commons, highlighting our remarkable 10th school year as portrayed by every classroom, served as a testament to our shared accomplishments. Each board eloquently captured the essence of our journey throughout the year.

It was also heartwarming to see returning Wings, including former students, our first school principal Cheryl Casselman, and past teachers, joining us to celebrate this milestone. Your presence added a nostalgic touch to the festivities, reminding us of our strong community bonds.

With over 750 students and parents participating in the Fun Night and dance, and more than 170 hot, delicious large-sized pizzas served with water, it was truly a night to remember.

Special thanks are extended to Karen Applebee, our school council chair, for orchestrating and guiding the event with the invaluable support of the School Council and staff. Your leadership and dedication ensured the evening was a resounding success.

We also express our appreciation to Mark Heinemann, our DJ and returning parent, for curating music spanning multiple decades. Mark also spun tunes at our 10th-year Dance-a-thon, where students enjoyed dancing to nostalgic hits.

Our sincere gratitude goes to Karen and the parent council for their steadfast support of both our Fun Night and School Dance-a-thon, held consecutively days. Your commitment and assistance made these events truly memorable and enjoyable for our school community.

Our school community has grown significantly since 2014, doubling in size, yet our spirit of unity and support remains stronger than ever. Together, we have made the last 10 years truly amazing. As we reflect on this milestone, we look forward to the future with anticipation and excitement. What new adventures and achievements await us?

Once again, thank you all for your continued support and dedication. Here’s to many more years of success and togetherness.

Warm regards,

P. Bruni and N. Montes

Principal and Vice Principal


Are You Moving?

To assist us with enrolment projections for September 2024 please inform the school if you are planning any changes that may result in your children not attending St. Gabriel School in September 2024.


Thank you Denise!!

The Staff and Students at St. Gabriel would like to take the opportunity today, to say a huge THANK YOU to our Crossing Guard Denise! You are responsible for getting our most valuable asset to us and home safely each day and we can not thank you enough! No matter the weather, if schools are open, you are out there! We want to let you all know, today, that your role is a valuable one!  Thank you for what you do!



Math At Home Survey

Dear Families,

Schools offer a variety of opportunities for parents to learn more about how to support their children: for example, events related to mathematics may be held at the school (e.g., family math nights); teachers may provide newsletters or communicate with parents through apps or social media; and school or board websites may provide helpful tips about how parents can engage in their child’s mathematics learning outside of school and may even provide links where they can learn more or enjoy math activities together. 

The following brief survey will assist our school district in gathering data about how parents/families feel in terms of being informed about what their children are learning in math, how parents/families feel about supporting their children’s learning in math, and about parental access to math learning resources at home.

Thank you in advance for your consideration and participation.

→  This survey will remain open until June 14, 2024.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the collection of this information please contact K-12 Mathematics Coordinator, Board Math Lead, Petra LeDuc at , 519-578-3660 


Family Night

Save the date and mark your calendar!

Come and Celebrate St. Gabriel’s 10th Anniversary with us!

Thursday, June 13th from 5:00 – 7:30 pm

You won’t want to miss all the fun!!

There will be FREE Pizza, Raffle Prizes, a Family Photo Booth, a Candy Guess Game and Dancing!

Our classes are also putting together display boards showcasing art and projects they are proud of.

Keep an eye on your email for your official Invitation and RSVP form coming soon.


Your St. Gabriel School Council


Our Big Boxes of Cards are Here!

Quick reminder, if you placed an order for additional cards, pick up will be TODAY, (Wednesday, May 8th) from 3:50 pm – 5:45 pm.

A couple of notes for pick-up:

  • We will be located just inside the gym door closest to the large parking lot (same door as you entered for the Book Fair)
  • Please wait for all students to clear the tarmac before coming to see us.
  • If you have a large order that requires you to load into your car, please plan to come a little later.
  • Do not enter the parking lot until after 4:00 pm for all student safety.

Thank you for your continued support of our school community!


Your St.Gabriel School Council

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