St. Gabriel CSAC Annual Report for the 2022-2023 School Year
Dear Parents and School Community:
Welcome back! We hope you had a safe and happy summer. The Saint Gabriel Catholic School Advisory Council had a very rewarding 2022/2023 year. The CSAC held 8 meetings on September 19th, October 17th, November 21st, January 23rd, February 27th, April 17th, May 15th and June 12th. Together, we worked on various issues during the school year including introducing a new Angel Food Fund and Pantry to support students in need, supporting student safety in our parking and drop off zones. These Council meetings were open to the school community to encourage input from parents and other members of the school community to inform our discussions of the various issues considered.
Additional achievements of the CSAC in 2022-2023 included supporting the creation of a new Gym mural, celebrating Shrove Tuesday with Pancakes for the entire school community, congratulatory gifts for students who celebrated the sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation, hosting our annual School Open House BBQ and a popular Scholastic Book Fair among many other activities/supports. As well, fundraising activities were conducted and the proceeds were used to fund projects in accordance with school board policies. These fundraising activities are itemized, summarized and are listed below. Minutes of meetings held and financial records are available for public inspection at the school office.
We wish to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of the many individuals who volunteered their time to contribute to the success of the CSAC last year. Special thanks are due to the members of the 2022-2023 CSAC, Mrs. Laverty & Mrs. Godos (teacher representatives), Jenn Brunskill, Becky Logel, Katie Cachia, Jeff Rau, Cherie VanBuskirk, Evelina Infante, Mark Heinemann, Blair Were, Sherrie Howe (parent reps), Lori Cunha & Sandra Gammage (Community Reps). We would also like to acknowledge the dedication of two School Council members who have been instrumental in our school community since St. Gabriel opened in 2014. Thank you Mark and Cherie for sharing your gifts and time with our school over the years, you will be missed. Finally, we would like to wish the best of luck to candidates in the September CSAC elections.
Karen Applebee
School Council Chair 2022-2023
Highlights of St. Gabriel CASC supported Fundraising Activities 2022-2023
- Hot Lunch & Dole Whip
- Scholastic Book Fair (Non-monetary, supported purchase of books for Classroom libraries)
- Dance-a-thon
- Cambridge Bingo Volunteering
Our Funds this year helped to support:
- Angel Fund (Hot Lunch pizza for students in financial need)
- School Agendas (unpaid deficit)
- School Pantry (to supply breakfast/lunch items to students in need)
- Classroom Supplies (funds allocated to teaching staff for additional supplies needed to support learning)
- Chrome Book Cart
- Cement Pad required for new bike rack
- Ladder/Steps for school maintenance
- New quality Basketballs & Volleyballs
- 2 Griddles (used for Shrove Tuesday)
- Pancakes & syrup for all school community
- Classroom Christmas Gifts (items suggested by teaching staff included, Lego sets, board games, etc)
- Gym Mural
- Gifts for students celebrating sacraments of First Communion & Confirmation
- Supplies for Yearbook Club (sketch books & pens/markers)
- Expanding gardens at front of the school (for 2023/2024 school year)
- Dance Instruction for Intermediate students
- Pizza for Grade 8 Grads after bowling trip
- Early Years and Extended Day equipment
- Replenishing recess equipment buckets (Grades 1-8)
- Early Years & Grade 2 caterpillar kits
- Bussing for Track & Field, Soccer, Cross Country & Baseball teams
- X-Bike equipment
- 2023 Grade 8 Graduation celebration décor