Year End Update and Thank You!
Dear Wings Nation!
As we head into the final three days of the school year, thank you to all for making this year a memorable one! Congratulations to our Grade 8 students on their Graduation from Saint Gabriel School! They have been a great group and will certainly make a positive difference in our world. We want to also thank all our students who strive each day to display our Catholic virtues. Your smiles and acts of kindness make our school a better place.
Report Cards will be sent home with all our students on Tuesday, June 27th. Please acknowledge receipt of your child(ren) report card by signing the last page and sending it back to your child(ren) teacher by Thursday, June 29th, the last day of school. This page will be stapled to the school copy of the Report Card filed in your child(ren) Ontario Student Record.
Goodbyes and Welcome: Carolle Belanger (French teacher), Diane Laverty (Intermediate teacher) and Tammy Savva (Junior teacher) have been here since the school opened (9 years ago) and will be moving to new schools in September. Carolle will help open a new school in Kitchener – St. Josephine. Diane Laverty will be going to Our Lady of Lourdes in Waterloo and will be with Ms. Stevens (previous vice principal of Saint Gabriel). Tammy Savva will be moving to Saint John Paul School in Kitchener.
Nicole Blouse, an Educational Assistant will be moving to Monsignor Haller in September and Shane Lacasse (Intermediate teacher) will be moving to St. Boniface in Breslau.
Thank you Carolle, Diane, Tammy, Nicole and Shane for making Saint Gabriel School so great over the years, we will miss you.
Tracy Durocher, our Special Education teacher, has been appointed vice principal of St. Nicholas School in Waterloo. We wish her the best in her future leadership journey. We will miss you.
Welcome to Alexis Knoop (Early Years teacher), Sharon Fernandes (Primary Teacher), Lynn Soobir (Junior teacher), Amy Figueiredo (Intermediate teacher), Marie Danielle Daherot (French teacher) and Christina Kelemen (Sp. Ed. teacher) to Saint Gabriel School. You will love the school community.
Parents/Guardians: We cannot thank our parents and community members enough for all of your support with your children during this time. We wanted to share with you some words of thanks and express our gratitude to many people who play a pivotal role in helping to keep our school running smoothly and your children safe.
Catholic School Parent Advisory: Our thanks are also extended to Saint Gabriel School Council members, under the leadership of Mrs. Karen Applebee (Chair), who has worked so hard to enrich our school. Our school council’s commitment, creative ideas, and guidance are very much appreciated.
To our Bus Drivers: At Saint Gabriel School, many students ride our buses. We would like to THANK YOU for getting our students to us, and home safely, each and every day. Without you, our students could not get to us and our community would not be as rich as it is.
Once again, we thank students, parents and staff for all you have done to allow us to have an amazing school year at Saint Gabriel. We couldn’t have done it without you!
In closing, we would like to wish you and your family, a safe and happy summer, filled with God’s blessings of peace, health, and happiness!
P. Bruni N. Montes
Principal Vice Principal